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Resume By Categories In WP Job Portal!

Configure Count In Resume By Categories

Start by navigating to the Admin Dashboard–> Dashboard Menu–> Configurations–> Employer Configurations–> General Settings. If the count in resumes by categories is set to “No” then the count will not show in resumes by categories. But here we set “YES” and then the count will be shown in resumes by categories.

To access the resume by categories listing page, from your employer dashboard, navigate to the Employer Dashboard–> Resume By Categories. Resumes can be categorized in various ways based on different criteria. Here are some common categories for resumes, Accounting/Finance, Engineering, Computer/IT, and much more. These categories can help employer narrow down their search.


With a list of resume categories and the number of available resumes in each category. The categories and resume counts are as follows: The total number of resumes in the “Computer/IT” category is (2). Specifically under the “Computer/IT” category. It shows the subcategories, there are currently no resumes listed in these subcategories. Additionally, there is a “Show More” button at the bottom.

When the user clicks on show more button it will show all the subcategories in a pop-up. Each category on the pop-up will behave the same as the main category.


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